In the depths of Bristol between discarded guitars and Ableton cracks can be found 5 unlikely hero mutant pop stars valiantly fighting the dual scourges of crime (boring music) and evil (fuccbois at night clubs) that plague the city!!!
Locals tell of a pop music lab run by music svengali Keck G2B to churn out mindless, soulless and apolitical music for mass commercial revenue. After an accident involving a student lab tech, ketamine, cold chicken korma and a can of Stella, a furious Keck threw their petri dish out into Hepburn Road, knowing there would be no way he could control whatever contaminated, dysfunctional organ it would grow into.
Rumours abound that previous strains of the heroic superorganism’s DNA had a hand in various legendary endeavours including Jesuits, Empty Pools, Illegal Data and Soz Lad.
Nestled in the lows of the bass and the thump of the kick oozed a primordial foundation for shimmering frequencies to carry something better than you could have ever expected, something you already had deep inside your…hard drive.
Combining their powers to wield a perfect weapon of maximalist pop forged out of the disparate elements of as many genres as possible (shoegaze/funk/80s synth/club music/noise/nu-metal/riot grrrrl/and the not lame kind of post-punk) they stand ready to take their revenge in 2024 by taking the world by storm, destroying boredom and capturing souls as they go.
Source [Spotify]