Charlie Duda played in bands for most of his younger years in northern Virginia, but the singer-songwriter, ensconced in L.A. the past four years, never released any solo music until 2020.
Last spring brought the release of his debut EP, “Making Friends” — six songs that ought to find him a slew of buddies among devotees of affecting guitar-pop of the psych and jangling/chiming variety.
The new EP, “Roller Coaster,” will be out June 4, and, like his first, it’s a DIY affair made in his Sherman Oaks bedroom, though it hardly sounds like a bedroom effort. The drums were tracked remotely by Michael Benjamin Lerner of Seattle’s Telekinesis.
Duda is treading in the footsteps of some pretty impressive guitar-slingers (British and American) so far, but it seems well worth following him on his path.