They are pieces of music born from the machines themselves, but accompanied by the hand of man. The focus is on the constant repetition of patterns, digging deep into their possible micro-variations in a continuous search for new meanings and often, failures and misunderstandings between machine and man which, however, are errors that sometimes give new visions and musical forms. Each piece was born in a single take, with prior programming of the sequencers and my continuous manipulation in search of human contact as conflict-free as possible, or in other words, as ecological as possible. Each song was followed by a refinement of the midi information received, embracing the errors and making them an integral and necessary part of the creative process, demonstrating the fact that from misunderstandings between machines and man, very fruitful and unprecedented dialogues of rapprochement can arise for the artist's way of composing.
The song "Teresa" is the last piece composed of that batch. It is a piece dedicated to Teresa Noce (1900-1980), an extraordinary figure on the Italian scene: former partisan and Italian politician, among the founders of the Italian Communist Party and member of the Italian constituent assembly who fought for the law on the protection of working mothers approved on 26 August 1950. You can preview the piece in the review dedicated to her of "Flights of butterflies - Stories of women who did not give up" by the Istituto Storico Parri, which will be released on 25th November, the international day against violence against women.