Toronto-by-way-of Ukraine trio Life in Vacuum have been creating noise together in some iteration as far back as their self-titled 2008 EP, which embellished their post-hardcore sound with elements of math rock and moments that foreshadowed them dipping their toes in the pool of screamo. Their third album Lost feels like the latest step in a natural progression that’s seen them rein that sound in a bit to create a more melodic version of the noise rock bands like METZ have come to symbolize, occasionally even sounding like a pop-punk band with some pretty jagged edges.
The second single from the LP—slated for an April 14 release—covers plenty of ground in nearly five minutes, opening with a near “Sweater Song”–like riff ultimately giving way to a powerful yet anthemic chorus. That balance of ease and intensity parallels the song’s lyrics, which, according to the band, were meant to reflect the frustrations of getting stuck in a routine that’s a little too congenial. “We’re trying to describe the state of being stuck in a comfortable, familiar place in your head for some time and struggling to snap out of it and grab on to life again.” - Flood Magazine
Source [Spotify]
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