[ she/her ]
city: Hudson
Lea Thomas’ album “Cosmos Forever” unfurls in a moment of exquisitely gentle suggestion: “Let’s go for a walk/Don’t talk.” Hers is a voice that is at peace with itself, that is trusting of its own ability to convey the truths of her experience and her personal philosophy, and to express her enduring love for the natural world. These truths, inspired by growing up on Maui, are embroidered with elegantly simple imagery. Fragments and fine details of a myriad different landscapes–a spray of leaves, a winding river, a bracing trade wind–seem to weave themselves together into a blanket of sound that is warm and wholly enveloping.
There is a lot of space to move around in these compositions, which lightly sidestep the trappings of rigid structure. They’re more like expansive fields of wildflowers rather than crafted bouquets–their nature remains ephemeral, but it is also cyclical, which suggests something of the eternal, or of timelessness.
Lushness without drama, honesty without sharpness–rare and fine qualities that suffuse every song. Like a friendly hand resting on the shoulder, this music encourages the listener to become more at ease with the unanswered questions they might contain within themselves. It suggests that to forgive oneself for being uncertain, to allow oneself to experience pure and simple goodness, is to feel more at home in the world, and to better feel the embrace of the all-encompassing universe itself. - Jen Powers
Source [Spotify]
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