Kiasmos, the acclaimed duo of Ólafur Arnalds and Janus Rasmussen, returns after a decade with their sophomore album 'II' - a triumphant follow-up to their 2014 debut. Born from a rekindled friendship and creative chemistry, 'II' showcases their evolution as composers and producers. The album blends organic and electronic elements, merging orchestral flourishes with intricate beats and atmospheric textures. Songs like 'Dazed' and 'Sailed' capture the album's essence, conveying complex emotions through evocative melodies and inventive rhythms influenced by UK dance music. Crafted over years, including a trip to Bali where they incorporated local sounds, 'II' reflects Kiasmos' growth, drawing from Ólafur Arnalds's film scoring experience and Janus' global DJ sets. They embrace tension and unconventionality, subverting dance music tropes with unexpected breakdowns and "anti-drops." Recorded with an Icelandic orchestra, the album's expansive soundscapes invite interpretation while retaining Kiasmos' signature style of transitioning from whisper-quiet ambience to explosive dancefloor energy. With 'II,' Kiasmos aims to provide solace and catharsis through their captivating, hope-filled sonic narratives.
Source [Spotify]