With the drumkit of a Motörhead banger, doom-laden bass, Rowland S. Howard-style guitar, and screaming vocals, the song conjures up a series of hallucinatory images of black suns stuck in a giant upside-down glove and feral children pretending to be goats: welcome to the primordial soup that marcel has concocted just for you! Here's what the band has to say about it:
“At the heart of this somewhat primitive noise-punk track, the first one we composed for this album, is this insistent, haunting bassline that echoes an image: a black hole, a symbol of creation and destruction, of simultaneous permanence and change. An image that drives you crazy. The ultimate source of heat, which freezes your blood when you try to tackle its mystery. The embodiment of mystery itself, so enormous that it becomes almost hilarious.
A mockery of knowledge, certainty, and all foundational dogmas, the black hole is thus put into perspective with the concept of basho (場所), discovered in an introductory book “Japanese phenomenology” from the Kyoto philosophical school, which attempted to reconcile the tradition of Zen Buddhism with Heidegger's ontologies.
Haha! Wait, what comes next is even more all over the place.
What marcel took from it is well worth a sermon: which is to say not very exciting. Except that the world and consciousness come from absolute nothingness and aspire to return to it. Basically. Between start and finish, a series of more or less consensual metamorphoses agitate the individual who digs up a different yet similar version of themselves every time they wake up, all without ever understanding why they feel compelled to get up every day, even after they take the time to read a book introducing them to Japanese phenomenology. We fumble about, raise our eyebrows and utter “hmm... hmm”... None of this even protects us from fascism. We might as well read a fishing manual on practical baiting, it's more fun. Maybe.
These postulates are the basis of the music video directed by Patxi Endara and written by Amaury. Filmed by Félix Lepinne in the Marloie countryside (where Justine Henin got married), the video features a woman (actress Eva Papageorgiou) desperately searching for treasure, guided by a pendant that connects her to earth’s forces. She comes across her lookalike who then takes her place looking for the treasure, and so on and so forth, while the four jokers riding apocalypse horses frame this tragicomic quest.”
A good lesson in facing the void, urging anyone who is willing to listen to grab the hands of their comrades and start a joyful farandole celebrating the infinite and sterile quest for the self!