[ they/them ]
country: Maine, USADedicated
To Mom for teaching me unconditional love and radical compassion, a mom to everyone, the original diy show promoter who rented out an elks lodge to throw my 14th birthday party, which was a hardcore show for 50 teenagers to mosh to. We broke the screen door, and scuffed up the floor so badly from skateboarding, that you definitely didn’t get that deposit back.
To Tom for exposing me to rap and hardcore music, graffiti and rebellion.
A true artist and giver, always encouraging my art, raising me and being my friend. Watching you draw was one of my favorite things to do as a kid, and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come with your tattooing. I want to see you get old!!!
To Ceschi for the advice over the years, the mentorship, and always welcoming and encouraging us to fully invest in ourselves & each other and become better humans than we were before. The love you have for people and art is undeniable and a beacon of inspiration.
To Pepe and all the DIY Bandits for carving out a lane for folk punk and indie rap to form alliances and deliver music to the people with the biggest hearts. Long live Stay Free Coffee Roasters! I’m honored to be a part of the Back On The Grind Records community !!
To The Bumbling Woohas for taking me on my first tour and exemplifying true diy artist ethics, making every space your stage, and inviting every willing participant to join in and play along. you continue to give me the courage to be authentic, wild and free.
To Apes of the State, the “back to rehab” tour broke me open again, it triggered all my trauma, but in a good way. It revived my love for performing and sharing the power of recovery, hard work and determination, and how to achieve world famous recognition in the worst possible genre, folk punk.
To BlueRaspberry for encouraging me to have the most Fun over Everything, stay gentle, keep loving and play more games! My Cows!, our secret gazebo, libraries, and sleepovers.
Thanks to Local News Legend, Peter Herman, Emma Ivy, BlueRaspberry, & Moth for making these songs with me! thanks to John Zebley for helping record parts of this album and mixing this madness .
love you alll!
<3 myles
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